
9347 200A Street, Unit #130
Langley, BC V1M 3Y4

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We can meet the specific requirements of almost any geotechnical project and have the personnel to execute construction plans within the required schedules.

We specialize in deep foundations, shoring, and ground improvement using techniques such as continuous flight auger (CFA) piles, secant piles, soldier piles, caisson piles, micropiles, driven steel pipe piles, tie-back anchors, sheet piles, mass and deep soil mixing, aggregate piers, stone columns, and rigid inclusions. Additionally, we have extensive knowledge and experience in grouting, whether consolidation, compaction, rock grouting, or jet grouting.

Key contacts

Headshot of Brian

Brian Wilson has been involved with Geotechnical Engineering and Construction in the Greater Vancouver area for over 30 years, with a strong background in consulting, design, and construction. His previous experience overseas also allows him to view things from a different perspective. 

Brian pioneered the application of deep mixing in Western Canada, with his involvement as the senior technical lead in projects such as: the Vancouver Island Convention Centre (the first application of CSM in North America); ground improvement for an LNG plant near Kitimat, BC, the largest single deep mixing project completed in Canada to date; and ground improvement for a large substation for BC Hydro in the Big Bend area of Burnaby. 

In recent years Brian has focused much of his attention on combined shoring and cutoff applications, as well as ground improvement projects. These have included the use of secant piles, jet grouting, deep soil mixing and diaphragm walls.  Brian continues to participate in ongoing research into the subject of ground improvement and provides technical guidance for Keller’s Greater Vancouver office. He is a member of Keller’s North American Soil Mixing product Team and is regularly called upon to provide input to soil mixing projects in various parts of the world.